Archived on 6/5/2022

Would you like free help and support to get back into work?

4 Jun '19

This 6 week Job Club is for anyone who wish to get back into the labour market. You may already be on a training course and require help and support in acquiring the necessary skills to achieve your ambition. This course will train you in the five stages of improving your chance of gaining employment: orientation, C.V. building, mastering of the application form & supporting statement, interview techniques and job search. Each week will focus on a different theme, and on completion of the course you will be issued with a professional C.V. on quality paper.

13 June - 18 July 2019
Thursdays, 1-3pm

Brockley Rise Centre,
2 Brockley Rise,
SE23 1PR

For more information and online enrolment visit: