Archived on 6/5/2022

Cleaners at Lewisham hospital walk out after contractor fails to pay wages

15 Mar '20
16 Mar '20

Wasn’t this the company that was sacked by Premier Inn, for basically the same reason

23 Apr '20

According to a report on the Guardian website today, this has been settled …

1h ago 13:14

The GMB Union says it has scored a “significant” win for cleaners at Lewisham Hospital, who had walked out in February after private outsourcing company ISS left them underpaid for several weeks and threatened to pull a promised pay rise in light of the dispute.

As of Thursday, the union said the wage increase has now been paid in full - with backpay - bringing the cleaners’ hourly rate of pay up to £10.55 an hour.

Helen O’Connor, a GMB organiser, said:

We have long campaigned for outsourced workers in Lewisham Hospital to be paid the London Living Wage and have held a number of protests outside the hospital which were backed by the community and the TUC.

These brave hospital cleaners endured threats and bullying throughout their dispute, but their persistence has now paid off.

The success of the campaign shows that when unions and communities work together to stand up for themselves, they can and do win against corporate power.

GMB_Union (@GMB_union)

These brave hospital cleaners endured threats and bullying throughout their dispute, but their persistence has now paid off.

There is power in union ✊
April 23, 2020