Archived on 6/5/2022

Kids (and Adults) Shuho JuJitsu on Ackroyd Road

4 Mar '22

Thought I’d give a mention to this fantastic local club run by Sensei Colin - it’s been going for over 40 years!

Like many similar clubs, it will have struggled over lockdown when it had to close fully. However it’s fully back open now. Training is on a Monday and / or Friday at 7pm for kids, and you can also attend the Beckenham session if you wanted on Wednesdays if you wanted, for no extra charge.

It’s a great time to join if you wanted your kids to learn a martial art, based on defence. There are currently lots of white belts (beginners) as well as higher belts. Minimum age is around 6 to 6 1/2 I believe dependent on the child.

The sensei’s are really good with kids, and they play games before and after the sessions which most of the kids love.

I also wondered whether the Forest Hill Society might want to do a piece on them at some point @starman @clausy ? Plenty of local links - they’d been around for ever of course, but also Sensei Richard who is amazing with the kids went to Dalmain, Sam who won the Voice Kids got his black belt there I believe, and many other stories I’m sure. So many kids and adults much have gone through this club over the years.

They also have a facebook page: