My car was broken into yesterday at the bottom of Round Hill and bag stolen. I think the bag would have been discarded on route to Whsmiths (where my bank card was used) through millennium green and along the railway. If anyone spots my bag please let me know - it’s a material rucksack, dark coral colour, with a silver metal hoop on the front as a fastener.
Many thanks…and please be aware of leaving anything in your cars. I was only gone for less than an hour.
Archived on 6/5/2022
Stolen bag

17 Aug '18

19 Aug '18
This is horrible for you - but thanks for giving everyone the heads-up.
With a bit of luck, WH Smith might have picked up the little buggers on their in-store CCTV.

21 Aug '18
Sorry to hear that Katie, our car was broken into Sunday 12th at the bottom of Dartmouth and we didn’t have anything on show. Seems to be a real issue atm.