A gang of four men on scooters & motorbikes approached my driveway on Saturday the 18th/8 and demanded my key and proceeded to steal my motorbike. I would appreciate any information with regards to sitings of two scooters and two motorcycles riding around Forest Hill, Crystal Palace, Sydenham, Catford & Honor Oak Park. Many thanks.
Motorcycle theft

Sorry to hear, Dave, that sounds awful. Which road did this happen on, if you don’t mind me asking?

Thanks Chris, it was on Sydenham Rise, SE23.

Really saddened by this. Hope you are ok.

Sorry to hear this.
What bike did they take ? Any mods that I can spot and what was the plate ( or first part if you don’t tonguve the full reg).

Gutting to hear this, I only live around the corner and ride a bike too.
What time of day was it?
I’m always cautious when out on the bike now, has taken the fun out of riding and has almost made my insurance too much to pay. The next year or so will price a lot of riders either away from riding or end up riding uninsured

Want a broken heart icon for this. Feel the same way. I ride for pleasure and keep on not riding as too stressed getting from front door to out of London. If you see a woman riding very aggressively (read defensively) through SE London at the moment, may well be me. Insurance this year almost pricing us out as well.