Take precautions to avoid this happening to your home:
Burglary in Hawkesfield Rd prompts police to issue warning

Any ideas, where this happened? I live on Ticehurst road which hawkesfield joins on to and haven’t seen any police knocking and nobody on our joint Ticehurst/hawkesfield road Facebook page knows anything about the burglary.
I’d be grateful for any information.

We live right at the bottom of Hawkesfield on Woolstone road. We haven’t heard a thing either. Scary though. We were burgled last summer here so very vigilant these days ️

Given that the source is not official, I wonder if someone has their facts wrong. Would police go door-to-door AFTER a burglary giving out safety advice on the same street?

They’ve done so with us, when there have been issues on our street.

Ah, that’s interesting. I wonder if there is a tendency for burglars to target certain streets.

I have been told burglars often live only about 3 roads away from the houses they burgle.

When our neighbours were burgled a couple of years ago, the Safer Neighbourhood Team knocked on each neighbour up to 6 doors away to warn them about being vigilant, double-locking doors etc.

yes definitely, just a few months ago after a burglary a few doors down from us, Andrea our Community Police Support person was calling door to door within a day or so to tell us what had happened and hand out security advice leaflet with advice on securing sheds/doors/windows etc.

This is really interesting. I assume there is evidence that such retroactive action is warranted, in that statistically you are more at risk if one of your neighbours has recently been burgled. If the purpose of the calls was to gather information and reasssure residents rather than telling them to increase their security, that would be different.

oh yes- sorry I missed out some important information about the CSO housecall. First question was to say did I know the house 2 doors down had been burgled (I didn’t) and then I was asked if I’d noticed or heard anything at the time (I hadn’t). So that was probably firstly a local crime investigation, then the general discussion then followed about how the break in happened via back garden, general security and the backup leaflet. It was useful, I was motivated to change a few things to make it more difficult for intruders at my house.

When I lived in Camberwell… I had a couple of times where the police had knocked on the door noting a burglary in the neighbourhood and offering advice on crime prevention and household security. I always found it very useful.
I’ve always worked on the principle of making my house appear harder to burgle then the neighbours.

We got the same visit, information etc as you when our neighbour 3 doors down got burgled a few years ago. The burglars got into his house through the scaffolding he had up at the time & it was about 6 o clock in the evening!