Got chucked off the 176 tonight in Dulwich, as it wasn’t going to Forest Hill. The 122 bus stop outside Barclays says buses won’t be on Dartmouth Road from 29 September, until roadworks finish. Where are the roadworks? It is going to be like last year, and buses diverted for 6 months? Aghhhhhhhhhh…
Archived on 6/5/2022
Buses diverted

27 Sep '18

28 Sep '18
They’re digging up outside the Chinese on Dartmouth road near the roundabout. Didn’t see any indication of length of program so hopefully not too long

28 Sep '18
From TFL
Routes 122 176 and 197 are on diversion from Dartmouth Road at the junction with Cheeseman Street from 1300 on Thursday 27 September to 1600 on Saturday 6 October 2018 due to works by Thames Water. Route 176 and 197 towards Penge and Croydon Town Centre respectively will not serve the bus stops named Horniman Museum to Sydenham School. Please use the bus stop named Lordship Lane / Wood Vale or Sydenham/ The Woodman. The diversion uses Sydenham Hill and Kirkdale. London Buses on diversion also serve bus stops along the diverted route.