Interestingly the new Tory candidate for the London mayoral election was a former Tory candidate for our constituency in the last general election.
Tories Choose New Mayoral Candidate

I remember him from our local hustings in 2016. He spoke very well and notably diverged from Central party messaging on social issues including education, social care and youth policies. I wonder if he will be able to retain his individual ideas for London under the tough scrutiny of Central office.

I too thought he spoke well and his personal story is an interesting one.
I don’t recall him diverging from central party messaging. See: Notes from the General Election Hustings, June 6th 2017

Interesting article from back in 2013 after he was sacked from the Cabinet Office:
Staying on-message within the party might not be his greatest strength - but he shares that trait in common with every mayor of London we have had.
It will be interesting to see how he does in connecting with London voters - possibly better than Zac Goldsmith.

Possibly because the three Tories shortlisted weren’t “big personalities” this race for the Tory nomination felt more like a job interview. No former Tory grandees, or high profiles like Zac. I kinda feel that the Tories may wish to keep this candidate a bit more on message rather than exert their own agenda.
Many time as London Mayor Boris was a thorn in the side of David Cameron. I’m sure Theresa May would wish to avoid that as well, if she by chance is still PM.
The personal story he likes to tell will connect with a lot of Londoners.

Granted, in 2011, Bailey criticised the government for some of their cuts.
However that 2013 Staggers article is largely based on quotes from an anonymous “friend” — seems a bit fishy to me.
I’d be interested to know if Shaun had said anything similar himself?

I would be staggered if he had not fully briefed the “anonymous friend” and provided every one of those quotes. I think everybody involved in politics would understand this code.

I’ve been following Shaun for a while, and I’ve grown to respect him as a political figure. He’s spoken out against both Tory and Labour policy, and whilst he occasionally indulges in identity politics, it’s nowhere near David Lammy levels of divisiveness.
This tweet is a good one:
Post-Brexit it’s going to be important that we have politicians willing to unify society rather than divide it across political or racial lines.