My friend loves ironing and if you want a nice crisp finish to your ironing but don’t have the time to do this chore yourself, maybe Safaa can help. Really pristine finish. Just drop off your laundry basket of freshly washed and dried clothes to her and she’ll complete by the end of the day and have it ready for you to pick up.
PM me for details. Near Stillness School
Archived on 6/5/2022
Need ironing done?

3 Oct '18

11 Jul '19
Hello! After 2 months away with work and then a holiday straight after, I have a pile of ironing so high it has been designated the highest point in Catford. I am interested in your friend Safaa’s ironing skills, could she do it this weekend? Would she come to mine this weekend please? Getting it to her and then back to mine is a bit too much of an ask because there is a lot (promise I am not lazy). Thanks!