Hello from Colfe Road, SE23 forum - My first post, and a negative one unfortunately. Today 3 Oct 18, our house was burgled and car stolen from front of house. So I guess an FYI … people are watching us … I hope this is a timely reminder for all to be diligent.
Colfe Rd - Break-in and Car stolen

Very sorry to hear that, but thank you for sharing.

Sorry to hear that, our car was also broken in to on Sunday night, on Cibber rd. Have the police been in touch at all? We have been given a crime reference number but heard nothing from the police.
Hope your car gets found!

Hello - yes/no: police forensic team have been in. Community (?) police team not yet, but are expected at some point (no contact yet), who I’ve been told, will then also reach out to people on the street also. Think the car is long gone … but fingers crossed… and taken in broad daylight most probably!

Really sorry to hear that. There does seem to have been a spike in burglaries in the area of late. I wonder if the guy who attempted to break-in to my house on Como in broad daylight a few weeks back is responsible? Trespasser in Como Rd / Shipman Rd area
Might be worth sharing this with the Community Police. I did contact them about it but never heard anything back.

My bike was stolen from my back garden shed this weekend too! Como Road, at the Colfe Road end. Have had absolutely nothing by way of a response from the police. Just a closed case notification and a crime ref number. Not exactly the outcome you want when someone has been invading your property!
Anything @SgtBiddle can do in the way of community response?