Archived on 6/5/2022

Recently Used Devices
12 Oct '18

New security feature: You can now see all the computers, tablets and phones that have recently used your account and log any of them out:

To see this information, click your icon in the top right, and then the :gear: icon. uses modern forum software to ensure you and your data stays safe.

12 Oct '18

It doesn’t seem to be very accurate. It says I’m active in Orpington, Bromley when I’m actually sitting at home in Forest Hill!

12 Oct '18

Geo IP lookups are not always accurate. Depends on your ISP and / or mobile network.

12 Oct '18

It says I am in Sheffield.

13 Oct '18

I’m at home in Brixton where i have been living since July last year. #fakenews

13 Oct '18

It seems to be saying that I am using an iPhone, but I don’t have one.

13 Oct '18

If you see a device you’re not familiar with, click the little :wrench: next to it, then click “Not you?” to see more details and instructions on what to do about it.