Seeing all the poppy displays in villages throughout Kent this weekend it struck me how shamefully lacking Forest Hill is in this tribute. Not seen a single window display or poppy locally. Does anyone know of any local events happening to commemorate armistice day or remembrance sunday?
Armistice Day Events?

Service of Commemoration to mark the re-installation of the First World War Memorial at 3 pm on Sunday 11th November 2018. More details at:

Been on #POPPYWATCH this weekend and saw the florist in HOP had a display up

Are you suggesting that an individual’s choice to not wear a poppy is shameful?
I’m not sure I could agree to such a view and don’t believe our veterans would. It would be divisive and some would probably find it offensive.
More to the point, I suspect that the difference of demographics in Kent villages vs. Forest Hill may have a bit of an impact, but as others have pointed out there are some activities locally.

Nope FORETHUGEL I was not suggesting that at all. I would never agree to compel anyone to wear a poppy as that is freedom of choice.
I do always buy and wear my red poppy with pride however as both my Great Grandfathers died as a result of fighting in WW1 and my Father, Father in Law as well as both Grandfathers and countless other relatives all fought in WW2. My husbands Uncle was also killed and buried in Burma. I believe these sacrifices were for us all to have such freedom of choice.
I was simply making the observation that Forest Hill was somewhat lacking in any sign of commemerating 100 years since the end of WW1. I am glad to see there are some events appearing on here that make it possible to attend and pay our respects…should we wish to. There’s an event at the theatre on Saturday commemorating the Armistice and there will be the usual service and wreath laying at the Lewisham war memorial opposite the hospital.

Forest Hill station is one of the ones with its roundel adorned with poppies:

I’ve produced a series of photos of toy soldiers at London war memorials in honour of the Armistice centenary due to go on show around Forest Hill. Pictures went up at Sugar Mountain and Forest Hill Community Library on Thursday and Friday.

I spotted that last night and thought it was a good prompt to remember.
Many towns have a memorial centrally with lots of footfall which gives a focal point for remembrance events. FH doesn’t really. The nearest I’m aware that has a service is the one at the old church opposite the Grove pub. However with the A205 rumbling past, it doesn’t feel particularly reflective!

In Dulwich:

Forest Hill Library: Book Launch of ‘War Pigeon & Me’ by Local Author Adrian Beckingham
Book Launch & Reading of War Pigeon & Me by Adrian Beckingham. Book your FREE Ticket on Eventbrite here:
Join us for the Book Launch of ‘WP&Me’ a short novel by Adrian Beckingham @StoryMountain for children to commemorate a century since the end of World War 1. Collect your signed copy and hear the story of this #London boy & his pet #WarPigeon. Arrive at 10.45am This isn’t being shown locally but is about concientious objectors in the First World War in Deptford. Supposed to be really good.

Yes, I’ve seen that the Forest Hill Society has an event on next Sunday at Christ Church Chapel when they will be commemorating the reinstallation of the First World War Memorial. Other than that, I agree, very little evidence so far of tribute being given for those who gave their lives in the area. I’m relatively new to Forest Hill, but irrespective it would be good to see some public commemoration of the many who gave their lives, and continue to do so, for the freedoms we enjoy today. I very much hope to see one, if not more, local poppy sellers in the coming days. I ended up buying my poppy from the front desk at my office. BTW, good to see that many of our overground trains are bearing poppy emblems.

Great to see such a variety of events going on. Many thanks for all the updates.

Lewisham have just published their list of services on Sunday

To be clear, this event is not organised by the Forest Hill Society but by the church. I will be attending on behalf of the Forest Hill Society to join with other to remember the lives lost and sacrifices made in the First World War and other wars - but particularly to remember the people from Forest Hill who died in the First World War.
But I have to disagree that there is little evidence of tributes for the centenary of the armistice. I think the variety of events in theatres, libraries, schools, wreath laying, station platform tributes and church services shows that “we will remember them”.

Are we really going to argue about poppies…? It’s personal choice about wearing one. I do because it’s very important to me; to commemorate those young lives, terrified and cowering in a dirty trench, dreading the whistle to go over the top… missing they loved ones, or not even having any. Nothing but a heavy Lee Enfield and bayonet.
I will be at the church service with my two boys on Sunday with a tear in my eye.
…we will remember them

Last year I was home in Canada and came across a tradition I found really moving. I attended a memorial on Remembrance Day at at the end the crowd all went up to the Cenotaph, removed their poppies and laid them down. Often invoking some silent prayer.

If you’re back we’ll be at St. Augustine’s on Sunday …

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