I am new to the area, just wanted to see if anyone knows where are the Christmas trees sold (close to Honor Oak Park)?
Buying a Christmas Tree near Honor Oak

In the yard next to the station entrance on Perry Vale. Been doing it for decades now.

Shannon’s garden centre

I’m a huge fan of Christmas Treeland which is set up in the cricket ground car park just past the Hornimann. Good for variety of trees including my favourite Fraser Firs.

Do any of these recommended places offer delivery? Now we’ve traded in our family-sized car and I’ve knackered my rotator cuff, we need our Christmas tree to come to us!

The place I recommended does free local delivery.

Pretty sure Shannon’s deliver

Shannon’s deliver and have a great selection. Really like to get ours in there to support the business.

Crofton Park community library are going to be selling trees very soon.

So does mine. Or you can order online.

If you buy a tree from https://www.kingschristmastrees.org/?fbclid=IwAR0Iw2Z_yFpWk1YMU3t_W4MpoSsD7L-3pdmDRHEd2snag__-_zLvl38_IDI
Kings Church - nearest on Catford Hill ansd they do very good carol services - you will help their project supporting homeless people but you need to collect from the business park on Bromley Road . We’ve had them for the last few years and they have been very good.

Thank you for the mentions- we do indeed have a large selection of Christmas trees and they start arriving the end of next week (22nd/23rd Nov). We offer free local delivery on Christmas trees - which would include Honor Oak.
And if you come on a Sunday in December you can have a warming glass of mulled wine too!
Shannons Garden Centre

Hi Ross, I don’t suppose you have the number for those guys? Or know what time they close?

Midweek open from 9AM until 8PM. Weekends open from 8AM until 10/11PM. No contact number I’m afraid but I’m in there with the guys everyday almost so can pass on any inquiries if needs be.

Also at Crofton Park Library and Watson’s General Telegraph though most local is probably Holly’s the florist on Brockley Rise and they also deliver.

Just thought I’d say I got a lovely little tree from @Shannonsgc this weekend. Staff were ace, hidden but on hand and efficiently bagged it, offered free delivery and even sawed the very bottom off the trunk for me so it would last a bit longer in water at home (Christmas trees are apparently bit like cut flowers in that respect, which makes sense).
Very happy with my tree and will probably go back for plants in the future.