Hello, I’d very much appreciate any recommendations for local security services. We had a break in two days ago and need advice ASAP. Thanks all.
Home Security

Sorry to hear that. We were broken into last summer. They slipped our Yale lock. We invested in new front door locks and a video doorbell. Not foolproof but I believe better.
How did they get in? I hear ADT alarms are v good.

I use a company called Direct Security who are based in West Dulwich. My alarm was installed after a burglary about 10 years ago and they have been excellent at servicing it. Mine texts me and a nearby key holder rather than the full police alert if it goes off.

They got in through my bedroom window, which was shut tight. The police have been excellent but I’m eager to get sorted.

Sorry to hear about your break in @Emak5
We have some recommendations for alarm fitters here: Moving to Forest Hill - Security alarm recommendations

Thank you so much everyone, didn’t expect this much advice before 9am.

Curiously are you double glazed or single? We’ve just had new double glazed windows which you can get to look in keeping with old style but they have multi point locking mechanisms which are apparently hard to break. Also is your back garden secure? I’d look at that too.

Out of interest what area are you in?