25 Apr '18
Local business owners - you are more than welcome on
We ask that you create separate account(s):
…for posting on behalf of your business
- Use a dedicated account for your business, with the business name as the username (and your logo as the profile photo). For a good example, see @ClaptonCraft’s profile.
- Include a link to your website , if you have one. A link in your bio and posts will help the Google ranking of your website
- Include opening hours in your post and bio - this is a frequently asked question to local businesses
- All local businesses can create one topic per year, free of charge.
- There is a small fee if you’d like to create more topics. Use our easy and secure online payment system here: Paid topics are pinned to the homepage for two days to guarantee visibility
- If you’d like to post a topic about your free-of-charge event (for example, a free taster yoga class), this is free of charge - up to a a maximum of one topic per month.
- Please avoid promoting your business in replies to other topics around the forum. We prefer that you use your own topics to do so (as per the above points)
- Include images in your posts to maximise their impact (images will automatically feature in any social media shares of forum posts on Facebook / Twitter)
- Encourage feedback and engagement. This is a collaborative forum and members often help local businesses with ideas and constructive criticism. Note that it’s always free of charge to respond to member mentions of your business
- If you receive any negative feedback, a positive response (politeness, humility etc) can ensure your business maintains or improves its public perception. We use a “verified” accounts system to emphasise posts from people who are genuine, local residents - this helps mitigate anonymous troll accounts. People are, on the whole, very supportive of new businesses.
- All local businesses can create one topic per year, free of charge.
…for posting in a personal capacity
- Please use a separate personal account.
- Please don’t use your business name as your username
- Please don’t include anything business-related in your profile photo.
- It’s fine to mention your business in your bio, but please avoid promoting it in your post from your personal account
Non-profit events / organisations
- Non-profits, i.e. Forest Hill Society, Police, Library etc are welcome to post free of charge in the main forum.
- Please post at a rate that’s fair to other organisations - if unclear please email