Hello all. Has anyone lost a kitten? This kitten has been hanging around my flat for a couple of months now (off Dartmouth Road). Seems young and often appears to have nowhere to go (doesn’t disappear
for more than an hour, eats food given to it, sleeps indoors, etc.)! Have contacted neighbours but no joy. Please message if yours or if you know someone it might belong to! Thanks, and Happy New Year!Kitten found [Re-homed]

Thanks for posting.
I’ve shared on our social channels:
- Facebook SE23.life page (3,000 followers)
- Twitter SE23.life account (4,150 followers) + SE23_Tweets
- Twitter SE23Cats account (200 followers)

I just replied on Facebook but I saw posters up near the wood house pub on Sydenham hill today saying they’ve lost a 6 month old black kitten. I’m sorry I didn’t get a photo of the poster or the number but they said the kitten went missing on 21st December. The poster is on a yellow grit bin on the main road near the pub.

Hi, and happy new year year!
This looks very much like a cat that I and a few neighbours in Thorpewood Ave feed, he/she is a lovely friendly cat, but none of us can let it indoors because of other pets. I’ve asked around too, but no one seems to know “boots” or “Sylvester” as it’s become known. Good luck and keep us posted, I always feel so awful when the weather’s bad and I have to keep “him” outside , lovely that someone is keeping boots warm

Thanks, Clare! Roughly what end of Thorpewood Avenue would that be, please? Little “Boots” doesn’t have a microchip

Sylvester lives halfway up Thorpewood. He does have a home and is quite a mature cat, so I don’t think it’s him.
Good luck in your search for this one’s home.

Towards the Dartmouth rd end, not sure if we are talking about the same cat now, boots seems youngish but wouldn’t class him as a kitten. Looks like you’ve been adopted though:)

We have been contacted to say the kitten has now been rehomed by a shelter so will now close this thread.
Good work @Bartlebee.