Hello neighbours. I’m trying to locate a parcel which Hermes claim to have delivered today to somewhere near my home on Ballina Street. Sadly they didn’t deliver it to my address, or leave a calling card. Not ideal really, and they can’t seem to do anything to help so I’m turning to SE23 Life.
If you find a Next bag/parcel in your garden, behind a bin, or have taken it in, please could you let me know and I’ll come to claim it? There’s a bottle of prosecco in it for you. Unless you’re in the market for some leopard-print slippers and a stash of girls’ age 5-6 tights and boots, that’ll probably be more appealing than the contents of the delivery.
Thank you! Emma
Archived on 6/5/2022
Trying to find a Next parcel delivered to the wrong address by Hermes

4 Jan '19

5 Jan '19
Anyone? Anyone!

5 Jan '19
Don’t get your hopes up - I haven’t found it.
Sorry to interfere, but was this supposed to be a signed-for service?
Was the parcel sent by an online shopping site or family friends?

5 Jan '19
Good point. The sole responsibility is to Next. Despite how much they may pass the blame to Hermes.

5 Jan '19
Thank you! It was (supposedly) sent by Next, delivered (ha!) by Hermes.

6 Jan '19
Had the same a few years ago. Managed to track down a Hermes “customer” services number down. Called them, useless beyond belief.
Chase Next.

6 Jan '19
Thanks. I’m on their case!