Who’s had a PCSO call round with Smart Water so far?
Smart water

I got a note to say the Met Trace team knocked but I was out on that day. I emailed them back but haven’t had a reply yet (been a couple of weeks now).
Anyone else had any luck getting in touch with them after a missed visit?
/CC @ForestHillSNT

PCSO Henry Groves just popped in to deliver our SmartWater and explain how it works. Really nice chap.
Pleased to get the MetTrace stickers up on the front and back windows - apparently a very good deterrent against burglary.

and a 100% conviction rate! A bit of kit worth its weight in gold!!

Indeed it is.

What exactly is it? The website is full of waffle and I couldn’t figure it out within 60 seconds so gave up!

If you only have 60 seconds, maybe next time you can try google if you don’t find the answer within the first 30 seconds.

In an unrelated note, @andy and @appletree have practically indistinguishable letter avatars. Time for profile photos you guys!

Lol, 10/10 for effort.
Took me all of about 20 seconds to find this page on their website.

How about now?

Haha! Looks very classy, @Andy.

What exactly does this mean?
Does this mean that everyone who has been burgled who signed up to Smartwater has had their burglar caught and prosecuted?

It means anyone caught with items marked with SmartWatch have been convicted. Whether this is for theft or handling stolen goods is immaterial to me. They got done.

Oh, cripes! Is that what it’s for??? I drank mine and my IQ went up to 146!