Any recommendations? Needs to be classes in the evening or weekends. Thanks!
Life drawing/arts and crafts classes near SE23

The Lovely Gallery in Sydenham used to do life drawing classes and their website seems to indicate they still do though I couldn’t see a year on this page. I never went to them myself but I did meet the eponymous Anne Lovely during the Sydenham Arts Festival when she was showing some work in her gallery - a delightful lady.

Looks great, thank you!

There’s a life drawing class at Catford Constitutional Club the first Wednesday of the month 7-9pm. It’s a great friendly little class which is slowly growing!
I know there’s also life drawing classes regularly in Penge but never been and the Honor Oak pub did them every Monday (I think) up until Christmas last year. Not sure if they have started up again. The app Meetup should help too, that’s where I found out about all the local life drawing classes going on.

So that’s this Wednesday 6th Leah? I am going to come along if so.

That would be great! It’s £10 for the session. See you there!

Thank you! Think I will try Sydenham tonight