Public meeting about Duncombe Hill Green development

Where is the meeting being held?

I’m told it’s inside the fence on the hill

I’m advised the event posted on the Facebook group page will have more info as the event gets closer.
Mods. Have posts been deleted?

I removed three posts (two of them mine) regarding Facebook group permissions, as the issue was resolved (I was added to the FB group) and thus the posts became off-topic.

If you’re keeping an eye on this, please share updates back here for the benefit of the many people not on Facebook. Ta!

If you’re unable to attend in person, the meeting will be live streamed on the group’s Facebook page.

The developers have called off the meeting.

Update. It looks as if the developer has conceded to meet a small group of people to discuss concerns. But it will not be a public meeting. No doubt further information and a report of that meeting will appear on the FB group and on Twitter.

And one would hope on here as well.

Feel free to ask the group admins.

What I meant is hope you can report on it here for the other interested members who may not all be on other social media.

I’m doing bits and pieces. But my point is there is a whole lot of content on the FB page.

Why would you want to direct everyone from here to Facebook? Don’t you think Zuckerberg has enough cash?

The people who have been getting the community involved in this issue, who have started petitions, spoken to the council, contacted the developer etc have decided they want to use Facebook for their campaign. If you don’t want to use Facebook that’s your personal decision but not sure It’s for anyone else to tell them where to run their campaign. They are not an official group, just a bunch of people trying to do something good for the local community.

With respect, no one was trying to tell the organisers where to run the campaign. And no one criticised the organisers. They’ve done a fantastic job.
@Londondrz just questioned the above posts diverting SE23.life members away from this forum and onto Facebook.
He encouraged information to be re-shared by Starman on here instead, to ensure the organisers’ reach is maximised.
SE23.life conversation is visible and searchable on the open web, and also re-shared onto social media networks (Twitter, Facebook, Nextdoor etc) to ensure it’s accessible to as many of the local community as possible.

The group is publicly available on Facebook for anybody interested who has a Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SaveDuncombeHillGreen/
I love seeing lots of different ways to engage with people. This particular Facebook group has almost 200 members including the mayor of Lewisham. Plus they have managed to engage 5,000 people through a petition (that’s a lot of work). I would encourage others to join their group if they are interested in supporting them and engaging with the group.
Perhaps that’s an issue for another thread?

I have been sharing information. But there is a huge amount of info as to make copying untenable. I am not steering people away. I am steering people to. In the same way I steered people to the Forest Hill sign campaign. It’s always been about supporting a community led campaign be people in the community. I’m sorry you missed that.
As for this last post. I understand John Hamilton is not part of the Save Duncombe Hill campaign. I also understand the developer is meeting both campaigns at the same time.
As my effort seems unnecessary perhaps Chris you can keep sharing info as I understand you’re a member of that group too.

Thanks Starman, just want to get the word out to as many people as possible on as many platforms as possible.

Ok let’s aim to keep this on track. Can we keep future posts on here related to the event please.
If you are on facebook, Michael has posted a link above to that group.
For those with facebook access, if you can post updates here for those without facebook access, that would be fantastic and will hopefully increase the reach of the campaign.
As has been stated upthread, this has thus far been a very successful campaign (if you are of the view to keep the land as it is). For those involved in them meeting good luck tomorrow and I think everyone would agree those involved has done a tremendous job so far.
Have a good evening all.

Also on Twitter.
I’ll leave it now to others to repost.

Thanks @starman.

Well it looks like there are troubles around the Save Duncombe Hill Group with avid contributor Sean Ryan reporting he’s been excluded from the developer meeting and that he’s been accused of criminal damage.
Meanwhile News Shopper is reporting troubles in People Before Profit:
There is also a long posting on the Duncombe Hill Facebook group which gives insight into some of the behind the scenes goings on, from one person’s point of view anyway.
Clearly this little patch of green space is a very emotive subject, and it’s sad that it appears to be creating divisions between the groups capable of organising resistance and change, rather that uniting everyone. I guess that’s politics for you though.

Indeed. It appears the group may now have been excluded from talks.
There also appears to be some confusion around various meetings happening or not today, and who with. I believe the ones with the group have been cancelled.
Sadly I attempted to join last night and for reasons known only to the admins of the group, I appear to have been banned so can now no longer see the group at all, despite living less than 200 metres from the actual site. So for now if someone else has more updates they will need to post them.
Anyway I will post updates as I get them.

Latest post on the Facebook Group, passed to me by a member who has access (unfortunately me, OakR and John from LPBP - and possibly others - appear to have been arbitrarily banned from the group, which is shame - OakR and I have only ever supported the aims of the organisers)

OK - I’ve just come back from the public meeting that took place on the Duncombe Hill site at 11am. There must have been (at a conservative guess) around 60-70 people who are obviously concerned about the planned development on the site.
Most of the people were there simply to hear what is going on, what the latest news is, and what they might be able to do to continue to fight the proposed development. Two of our local councillors were also there to give information and to state that the Council remains opposed to any development on that site.
The discusssions were mostly polite and sensible - but there is obviously an element that has associated itself with the campaign (from People Before Profit) who are more interested in perpetuating their juvenile Peoples Front of Judea/Judean Popular Front type arguments.
It would be a real shame if the genuine concerns of the local community get sidetracked by political infighting…

Stephen Locke

Stephen Locke

Update from Janet Perham:
A brief version of the meeting with Junaid Baig, of Investor Alliance Ltd. Longer version to come. Please ask questions, which I will do my best to answer.
Investor Alliance explored the following in advance of, or after, purchasing the land:
- The value of the trees: Their expert did not consider the trees to have enough value to be protected;
- The use of the land by locals: It was mostly used by dog walkers and people sitting on the benches eating and drinking. This did not involve use of the grass area itself, so is apparently not of value to the community.
The company intends to maintain a fence for security/public liability reasons, as well as to protect the 5 trees on the land, which all now have Tree Protection Orders. If the council does not grant planning permission, the fences along Duncombe Hill and Brockley Rise will be reduced to 1m high, but the 2.5m fence will remain at the back, as permitted by law.
Investor Alliance has now put in a planning application. The council will have 2 months to respond, and IA now expects it to reject the plans. IA intends to appeal and a decision could take up to 6 months, stretching roughly November. The fence will remain in place in whatever form it is permitted.
After purchasing the land, IA suggested a land swap with the council for the land adjacent to No5, but did not get a reply. IA would still consider this and building a house more in keeping with adjacent properties, rather than the currently proposed modern block. It would not make as much money with this option.
IA considers that there is sufficient space on the land for the block, as well as green spaces around it to create a park-like environment.
Parking is not considered an issue, because the area has plenty of public transport.

Cllr Tauseef Anwar