Mums for Lungs. This group are really effective - certainly worth starting a branch in SE23 and surroundings. Does anyone want to lead this? Has anyone done it already?
Clean Air for SE23: First group meeting

Hi @Hedgeways - great to see your initiative on this Could you let us know what time the meeting will be held please?

Sorry It starts 10.30-see that’s why I need some help with this!
Please let me know if you can make it or are interested in coming to a future meeting.

Hi Alice,
I wanted to be there but didn’t see the confirmation of place, I think the post was split from the original for some reason?
What was the discussion like?

Hi Mary,
Sorry you didn’t see the original post. It was a good first meeting and we decided to join forces with the forest hill society to do regreening as well as prevention schemes like expanding ULEZ, promoting cycling/going electric.
Please email me to join the mailing list and find out more.
Best wishes

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