I have developed a one-day training course and really need some people to come and hear it.
Is anybody free on a weekday (roughly 10am - 4 pm) to experience this once-in-a-lifetime event? You will be fed and watered and will learn things and all you’ll have to do is to turn up, participate and give me feedback.
If you are not available, but know someone who is, that would be good. I just need to know a rough idea of interest before I commit to booking a local venue.
In case it makes a difference, the course is on political lobbying.
EDIT: Date and venue set - I’ve set up a ticketing system on Eventbrite for those who want to come - register via this link - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/free-political-lobbying-training-tickets-58577910106 (still free!)