Had a chap called James knock the door this week offering to deliver Milk in the area so we took him up on it. We don’t drink much of the stuff these days but we will get a pint twice a week for teas and coffee. I am looking forward to waking up to a delivery in nice old fashioned glass bottles - they also do juice and if it goes well some other bits and bobs.
Archived on 6/5/2022
Milk Round

9 Mar '19

9 Mar '19
Is it daily or once a week ish?

9 Mar '19
We are getting two deliveries a week so I guess it will depends on where you are - Tuesdays and Saturdays for us. Once they start they will let us have more details so i’ll post them here.

9 Mar '19
How much per pint?

14 Mar '19
we get milk delivered twice a week and it’s brilliant.

14 Mar '19
Sorry Im not sure how much it is but Ill post when I find out
Wonder it is the same people!

14 Mar '19
We used https://www.milkandmore.co.uk/ previously (have stopped now) but they good. I miss it but my better half wants larger quantities that can be more easily stored as the kids get through it very quickly.
I always remember when they used to show the blue tits that had learned to open the milk top bottles (at least I think I remember that!)