Stabbing outside Sylvan Post on Dartmouth Road

Awful news. I hope the victim pulls through.

Heartbreaking. Hope they pull through.

Terrible news. I was on a 197 coming back from Penge when the driver announced that he wasn’t going down Dartmouth Road.
Let’s hope the kid pulls through.

Dreadful news, as the parent of a sixteen year old boy I obviously immediately feel for both the victim and his poor family. Everything crossed for the lad.

It’s really awful, I heard all the commotion and screaming so went to see what was happening, couple of neighbours actually saw it happen and gave statements to the police.
From what I gather it was a FH School boy that got stabbed by someone that they probably knew as he wasn’t scared to go ahead and argue with the person that stabbed him and was arguing on his phone just before it happened.
The boy that was stabbed pulled the knife out of himself so the police will have that now as evidence with the fingerprints of the person that done the stabbing aswell as the victims, plus the CCTV from the job centre.
They are all said to be around 14-16yrs old.
Hope the lad pulls through, very sad.

Is all of DR still closed?

Good news - now we just need to know that the other kid’s alright.

Yes still closed

Yes, up to Hair Lounge.
Forensics seemed to have arrived now as someone covered in blue overalls are going over the area outside the job centre where it happened.

My next door neighbour’s daughter goes to Sydenham School. Pupils were kept in the school as a safety precaution and parents were asked to collect their children.

Press have just knocked on my door after seeing my comments on this thread. so they will be watching for updates.

There were loads of Sydenham Girls around when it happened, guess they must have kept the kids back that were doing after School activities.

Hopefully will be updated with more information.

From what I have been told apparently the police know who done it but he has not been arrested yet, but don’t know for certain.

Hope the boy pulls through.
Let’s avoid speculation here, particularly as press already around. At some point, this will hopefully go to trial and probably better that not too many details are here.

What I forgot to add is that the perpetrator may not be from SE23 as witnesses saw a car pull up and 2 teenage males got out before this happened including the male that stabbed the victim.

I work in the Bird and Hand and an eye witness explained that he was sitting on the brick wall and two older men came out of nowhere and stabbed him 4 times. Leaving the knife in him. He pulled the knife out and threw it across the road. The attackers ran down towards the station on foot. And the victim ran 50 yards before he collapsed. Very sad news!

I do hope the young man is ok. I’m concerned to hear that he pulled the knife out as this can do more harm than good but I guess he didn’t know this. Knife crime in London is hitting epidemic proportions and nobody knows how to stop it

Sorry, I’ve self-destructed my angry post.

Christ. You see all these stabbings in the news but you never think it’ll happen literally right outside your bedroom window. My thoughts are with the poor boy and his family. I hope he pulls through and they find the cowards who thought it was big and hard to stab a schoolboy.

The buses were still on diversion as I was coming home about 10.00 p.m…

Forest Hill end of Dartmouth road still closed this morning.

Still closed @9:20 this morning.

Great news!
Thank you for letting us know

Not sure a vigil is appropriate given he’s in a stable condition according to reports. Perhaps better to spend the time and energy on cuts to police and after school provision in the borough.

Can we keep general politics discussion in the opt-in General Politics category please.

I don’t think that the two are mutually exclusive.

Spoke to a teacher from Sydenham School on my way home tonight and he told me the boy had been snapchatting with his friends at SS today to say he’s okay, great to hear he’s stable

Pauline you’re quoted in the Evening Standard . Page11

Not seen it, do you have a link.

@Pauline - thanks for the update, that’s great news.
Do you, or does anyone know, how many shops \ cafes etc are safe havens (is that the right term?) on Dartmouth Road and in fact in SE23. Is there a way of finding out? does not sound lieke it would have helped here but might be useful for some parents and children to know.

I think it is completely up to individuals if they agree to their name being used or not, I agreed and I did say what was quoted from me. I always do in all circumstances, my personal ethics are just say it how it is and be honest no matter what.
Not being political here @anon5422159 (just saying, LOL) I like to be honest and say it how I saw it

I can look into this Al over the next few days, and “Safe Havens” is the correct term. I think only one right now on D Rd but will need to check.
I do believe it may have helped prevent this because a trader like me would probably have heard the kids speaking previous about an attack like this, asked questions etc and could have passed on to police beforehand, but maybe not. You just don’t know.
I think most traders on D Rd would do exactly the same

The safe havens were set up after Jimmy Mizen’s death.

Yes they were.

Thanks Pauline. Don’t go to too much trouble, you do plenty.
I’m not sure how this should proceed, but I wonder if this diabolical incident might be the catalyst for schools (maybe FHS, Sydenham girsl etc), local associations and others to push for more of those safe havens in SE23 now. I suspect there might be some motivation of goodwill towards that right now.
It might be nice for all concerned, for kids walking back, for parents worried about kids walking back, and maybe might have a side effect of boosting some trade on Dartmouth Road, which whilst minor in the scheme of what happened, will have suffered I guess also as a result of this.
Mods apologies if I made this political, tried not to and to keep it local. Feel free to move it if need be.

Personally don’t think it’s political but a good idea.

Happy to look into this tomorrow with you Al.

Note the police are appealing for information:
Witnesses or anyone with information is asked to contact police on 101 or tweet @MetCC. Please quote CAD 5198/25Mar.