All slightly ironic given that a parked car produces no emissions 
While it all sounds laudable in theory, I can’t help thinking the council is jumping on the zero emission bandwagon to primarily generate some more cash. The emissions based aspect of the proposals only applies to permits for residents within CPZs - which means that the vehicles affected will all be cars that by their very nature, are parked on the street, which is not ideal for something that requires several hours of plugged into the grid to charge - and running a cable across the pavement is not really practical (probably a H&S nightmare to boot).
Yes - there are means to charge elsewhere, but the current infrastructure in the borough is no where near enough to cater for a large influx of electric cars just yet - especially given the number of times I’ve see non-electric cars parked in the charging bays at Sainsburys 
I admit - all of the above is based on the assumption that fully EV cars are the only viable alternative, and I’m sure that various hybrids and even some very clean ICE cars that may well benefit from the above, but given the stated drivers behind the scheme - surely full EV is the councils ultimate goal.
Unfortunately - since Appendix 2 seems to be missing in the pdf, its difficult to tell if it will actually be any cheaper than it is now for zero/low emission vehicles, or just more expensive for everyone else.