Traveller encampment at Sainsbury Bell Green?

saw 5,6 of them pulling in last night around 10pm

Appalling news. So sorry for the teachers and students.
These gangs will continue to get away with crime like this because timid society tip-toes around them.
And hand-wringers circle like hyenas, eager to scream “racist” at any generalisation we might make.

A friendly reminder as I’m not a moderator:

Sorry Michael, not sure where politics comes into that statement but thank you.

According to the Daily Mail story, the police " …told the group there was ‘nothing they could do’, because ‘all their resources were in central London.’"
This is an issue I think our Council needs to take up - whether as a Borough we have a fair proportionate allocation of London police.

that is police speak for “We dont want anything to do this this hot potato, good bye”!

I think they probably did have most of their resources in central London dealing with a political demonstration.