Southwark council is running a consultation about starting to charge for parking at Honor oak Recreation ground - all day every day. The cynic in me thinks this is all part of their plan to run down usage of the field and turn it into graves. But it’s actually about paying at all of their parks. Respond to the consultation here
Honor Oak Recreation ground - Charging for car park

I think the ice-cream van should be exempt!

Give them a chance to fill up (and open) the new bit first!

I noticed this is active now - not the most obvious signs I’ve ever seen and part of me wonders if I missed them when I previously visited. I think it’s £2 / hour at all times.

Maybe it’s more about a) obviously generating revenue and B) encouraging people to walk and not use their car.
I assume disabled parking would be free

I noticed that £2 an hour what if someone had a funeral to go to or they never mind these people love to make money it’s annoying!!

People attending the cemetery etc can park inside the cemetery.
Actually, I would hazard a guess that this is the reason for the newly installed and complete fence between the cemetery and the recreation ground.

They’ve started charging in Dulwich Park too. Loads of parking, but no longer free.

How many people HAVE to drive to Dukwich Park though? It’s a local park in walking distance of a lot of places.

No one has to drive there, but if you have small kids with little legs and any scooters, bikes or perhaps change bag + buggy, driving can be a pretty good option. Walking to the Horniman is probably our current waking range at the moment, but Dulwich Park is better for learning to cycle.
Personally I don’t begrudge the parking charge, but the tiny car parks are a bit of an issue.
For example, there’s something a bit ‘wrong’ with making a new car park at Beckenham Place Park with just 108 spaces (6 disabled only + 2 electric charging) while the park itself has an area of 97 hectares, and at the same time painting about 800m of road inside and outside the park - which was previously used as parking - with double yellow lines.
Beckenham Place is well served by public transport, but not particularly great from Forest Hill, and especially not in the current climate.

OhYes I get it is easier as you say, but it’s a want rather than a need. Even with bikes and small children Dulwich Park is accessible by bus and foot. You’ll be amazed how easily children take to walking if they do it enough.
When I was young we walked 2 miles to primary school every day.
Given how much parks have given us in lockdown I wouldn’t begrudge the council raising a bit more money for their upkeeo.

I don’t need to take my kids to the park at all, so I guess it could all be characterised as a ‘want’ rather than a ‘need’.
But while my kids will walk a fair way, they move slowly. I’d much prefer we spend time ambling around in a park rather than beside roads trying to get to/from a green space. And if it isn’t Dulwich Park, Peckham Rye Park & Common is even a bit further (and we can’t wait for the water to be turned back on in that playground).
Note I did say I don’t begrudge the car-park fees, just the small sized new car-park in Beckenham Place Park. In time I hope we can all cycle, but not yet.
National Trust and such have expensive membership, but have it right with large green spaces served by large carparks. It’s a shame to travel further for a day out with a picnic when local green spaces exist.
And your children? Forest Hill catchment areas are typically less than a mile.

Southwark have introduced car park charges across their parks and it’s been a bit controversial. It’s hard to argue that the car parks should be free, though I think that (certainly in the case of Dulwich and to some extent around Peckham Rye) the charges have made the car parks much more pleasant to use, while the surrounding streets are being filled with people parking for free. Residents’ parking will surely follow…