Is this little cat yours? Hanging out at top of Dunoon road se23
Black and white cat spotted

Not mine, but relieved this isn’t about my cat - who seems to have become somewhat of a local celebrity! Hope this little one is okay and reunited with owners now.

He/she looks like my friends neighbours cat Lupin, who has been missing since January. I will contact my friend now & tell her, thank you

You didn’t by any chance see what direction he/she went in?

Sorry no. And I’ve not seen the little cat since yesterday early afternoon. If it returns I’ll let you know.

That’s ok, but yes please I’ve told me friend who is going to tell her neighbour! They only live on Boveney Road…

We’ve been seeing this cat for a while now too (also Dunoon), but not today. If it turns out she’s someone’s (didn’t have a collar so I assumed it’s a stray) I’ll update here

My friend has had a look at the pic & says it’s not the cat that’s missing. She has no collar, but is chipped & more tabby .

Shame because the little cat is back this evening

Yes it is, I was really hopeful at the time.

Just to join up the dots - someone else has also been posting about what appears to be the same cat on FB. It seems it may have a broken tail, so I would say if you see it again try to hold onto it and give Celia Hammond or similar a call. Good luck!¬if_t=group_comment_mention

Been feeding her the last few days. Any update on whether she has an owner? We would take her in but she doesn’t like my other cat at all!