Hi, can anyone recommend a decent pet Cremation service? Hopefully not needed any time soon but it would be good to know for when the time comes. I’ve done a Google search but would rather have personal recommendations. Many thanks.
Local/Recommended Pet Cremation Services

I am reviving this topic due to the passing away of our dear little cat this weekend. I had no idea that the grief would be so sharp and painful. Now, we have to decide what to do with his dear little body. Does anyone have any recommendations - it must happen all the time.
Thanks in advance

I’m really very sorry to see this, it’s a dreadful loss. We had one of our cats cremated but it was arranged by the vet who had to put him to sleep at the age of 18. It was called Silvermere Haven and it’s in Cobham. This was about 6 years ago but hopefully they are still there. As I said, the vet arranged it all but presumably the public can access it too.
Hope that helps.

I’m so sorry for your loss, we’ve lost 2 cats this year so I know how painful it is. Both times their vet (Mayow) arranged for them to go to Silvermere haven for cremation. You can then either have the ashes back or if you’d prefer they will scatter them for you in their garden of remembrance, which you can visit any time.

Also if you want it the vet will do a little print of his paw inside a card for, which is a nice thing to have to remember him.

I just wanted to add, that having gone through the trauma of loosing a pet, their ashes can now be placed in a Barrow for safe keeping, where they can be visited. And when the time comes, human ashes can sit alongside them, just as in life, in a matching urn.