Hi there,
I’m thinking of putting on an event (fairly last minute) for The Great Get Together in memory of Jo Cox. The event would likely take place on Saturday 22nd or Sunday 23rd June in Forest Hill. Before I go ahead, I wondered if there was already something planned in the area as I vaguely remember there being something on last year? There is nothing posted on TGGT website, but that doesn’t mean something isn’t on.
If I were to go ahead, I’d be canvassing for local supporters/entertainers/refreshments so please do get in touch if you’re available and interested.
Thanks a lot!
Archived on 6/5/2022
The Great Together, 22nd/23rd June

4 May '19

5 May '19
Hi @Stephanie91, this sounds like a great idea, and just the kind of positive community-spirited event that SE23.life was designed to promote. Please keep the forum updated with your progress organising, and we’ll help get the word out on our social channels

4 Jul '19
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