Can anyone recommend a local skip hire firm that charges reasonably and doesn’t dump the goods in a hedge?
Skip hire recommendations

I’ve always used Lathams with no complaints

Cheers Armadillo. Not cheap though is it

Would a Hippo bag suffice?

Given skip prices Rachael, I think it will!!

oh yeah - skips are 'effing expensive, but then your paying for the convenience of chucking everything into a big container and making it someone else problem to sort out, recycle, etc…
I’ve not used a Hippo Bag, would be interested to hear your experience if you go down that route… always wondered if they were happy to lift over parked cars or not?

I can’t remember which firm I last used but I vaguely remember it not being Lathams, for that very reason, @Londondrz. Definitely worth hitting the yellow pages and phoning a few names. Also worth checking what size of skip you might need, but bearing in mind that a half-size skip is a hell of a lot more than half the price - so, larger than you think you need might be economical, especially if you find some more junk to get rid of.
I can’t believe I’ve just written an entire paragraph about skips. I think I need to go outside and lie down…

Erm what about that lovely place that causes loads of traffic problems just behind the betting shop on the start of the train track trail (just after WH Smiths) maybe you could get a discount @Londondrz for the trouble they cause

We used a hippo bag and thought it was great, but no idea re parked cars.

3 weeks later…
Yup I am a huge Hippo bag fan, but re parked cars and other property, @armadillo I believe they are unlikely to lift the bag over anything which may be damaged by items dropping from the bag. They do have a fair reach on them though, and manage to get mine from behind a small wall without issue.

Ideally, you should position your HIPPOBAG before you start to fill it (to avoid having to move it and damaging the bag, or worse yourself), and please keep in mind that the road needs to be at least 4m wide for our collection lorry to gain access, and that the bag must also be positioned within 4m of the road for our cranes to be able to reach it.
We can’t drive onto block paving as our lorries could cause damage, and likewise the area also needs to be clear of obstacles such as overhead trees and cables, or parked cars. Our driver will need to reach the bag handles to hook the crane on, so positioning the bag behind locked gates can pose a problem.

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