New yoga studio on Dartmouth rd?

Can’t wait for this

The website suggests it’s opening at 53 Dartmouth Road…does that mean For Your Eyes Only is closing down?! I’m definitely keen on a yoga studio, but I like FYEO - only just started using it as well

I don’t think Gulam’s going anywhere (FYEO).
It might be the rear of 53 Dartmouth Road, which is a new development with 27 flats and 2 commercial units on Clyde Terrace facing the railway.

More yoga have great rates (I assume secondary to it’s huge and rapid success/expansion) but word of warning to those looking to cash in on the half price for life unlimited membership as there are a few bits and pieces in the smaller print (eg: lateness costs £6, missed session costs £10, you can use other locations but total in one month must be more at FH then all others combined otherwise you will pay full price etc). Wish it well and still a good price for unlimited even at full price should you go twice a week or more but just thought would give people a heads-up!

Any update when this is opening?

I’ve signed up and it seems like it’ll be early September…