Free for collection only - 2 Ikea Billy bookcases in wood. We are right by HOP station (Grierson Road). Thanks x
Free: 2 tall Ikea Billy bookcases

Hi @Tigger, do you still have these? If so, I’d be interested. When do you need them gone by?

Yes, still available. I am having a c section on Wednesday so ideally today/tomorrow but its fine to wait a little bit. when can you come over?

Oh crumbs … Good luck. I can’t do today unfortunately as up in North London. I can try tommorow but need to find a man and van - actually I might be able to do 2 trips in my little polo

Thanks, tomorrow would be fine - let me know if you do want to come then.

If @Gypsyjolee doesn’t want them. I may be interested. I’m trying to make my intervention room at school nicer & school budgets won’t allow me to buy new or 2nd hand furniture.
I have a variety of old cupboards & shelving that I desperately want to update.
What size and colour are they? So I know if they’d work, if gypsyjolee doesn’t end up picking them up.

Please let @Clair have them. Im just being lazy and not wanting to fix up more flat pack

Thanks both. Yes Clair, please come and get them. They are wood colour.

Sorry, also they are approx 8 ft tall.

Just popped out to get lunch. Will measure height of room when I get back. Do you know how wide each one is too?
When you say wood colour is that a dark wood, beech or maple?
It’s only I have a missmash of cupboard & shelving and am wanting to coordinate so looks nicer.
Sorry for all the questions as you have other things on your mind.
Kind regards

Hi Clair,
Here is the link to the ones on the Ikea website with all the measurements:
The colour is similar but perhaps a little darker in real life.

I’ve measured and they would fit perfectly along a wall in my intervention room.
I would have to get the premises manager to collect in the mini bus.
So I will see if I can private message you contact details, unless you can private message me.
I’m assuming your local to Forest Hill area.
Very excited if it all works out ok. Thank you

Thank you @Gypsyjolee that’s very kind of you

Hi @Clair No problem whatsoever. I hope you and your students enjoy them

We sure will!! may have to post a follow up picture once put in place😂

That would be grand xx

Fantastic. Im afraid I can’t work out how to send a private message - can you see how to do it?! We are right by Honor Oak Park station on Grierson road.
I am going into hospital for a c section tomorrow but someone will be here at some point over the next few days looking after our toddler so let us know when is convenient.

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