Hello just wondering if there are any part time job vacancies going . It’s for my daughter who is 17 . She is currently still in school year 12 going in to year 13 . She is hard working and not afraid to have a go at most things .
Archived on 6/5/2022
Part time Work .

14 Jul '19

14 Jul '19
I think the old Thai Orchard, now ‘Big Cheeks’, said they were looking. I might be wrong.

14 Jul '19
Whist not paid work, the Library needs volunteers over the summer. Great way to network within the community.

16 Jul '19
Might be worth her registering with an agency (I’m not sure if there are any restrictions as she is under 17). I know at our work we had to change a few things when we took on 17 year old apprentices.
There tend to also be temporary events etc in the summer - I once worked at an open air theatre in Holland Park when they put in Opera in the summer. Ushering in theatres tends to have a high turnover but also likes people not on full-time contracts as they can flex based on how much a show sells etc.
Good luck!