On Agnew Road. Let me know the first/middle/surname, date of birth, place of birth and sex and I’ll hold onto it for you to collect. Otherwise I’ll put it in the post to the passport office.
Found a Passport

Long shot but I had one stolen a couple of months ago. Birth day and month 20/09.
Can you message me for more details if that first bit matches?

Can I reply privately somehow to you as I don’t want my personal details all over an open forum!

I have just enabled private messaging for you. To send a PM, tap a username / avatar then tap Message
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Hi Audrey, I’m afraid it’s not yours.
Rachel - let me know some details over PM and I can see if it’s yours.

Hi my daughter lost hers .Her name is Scarlett?
It’s just been renewed so would love to find it

I’ve sent you a private message

Hi I don’t seem to have a message . Perhaps it wasn’t Scarlett’s .

Sorry I’ve just come on this thread and seen that when I wrote a reply last night I didn’t actually press post so it’s been sitting in draft form!
Hi Lula, I’m afraid it’s not your daughter’s passport. It’s also not Rachel’s so I’m going to put it in the post back to the passport office.

Thanks very much for checking !!!

Hi there, my boyfriend and I both had ours stolen. The names are Robyn Grant and Marc Flynn

Hi, the passport is hopefully at the passport office by now, but just to update this, the first name was Holly for anyone wondering whether it was their passport.