Spot the police station

Please - don’t tell me this is going to be an extension to Miriam Lodge.

New Miriam tower apparently 15 storey

I’m selling up and getting outa here!

Where are they going to put all those 20,000 extra police officers?

From planning application DC/19/111466:
… construction of a part three/ part four plus basement building to provide 15 one bedroom 15 two bedroom and 3 three bedroom self-contained flats, together with the provision of 3 disabled parking, 52 cycle spaces, associated landscaping and refuse storage.
It looks to have a nice playground too, though I’ve not found any front elevation or render of the proposed building in a quick look over the numerous pages of supporting information.
The application is on behalf of PA Housing and doesn’t look to have been decided, despite being submitted back in May this year.
Permission for demolition of the existing structure was sought in an different application, which was effectively granted in April 2018.

That’s a lot of bicycles!

Lewisham police station is the largest in Europe, they could squeeze a few in there.

The strange thing is that this application relates to permission granted under ref: 15/92798 but a search only brings me to this 2019 one.
Anyway, at least it’s not an extension to Miriam Lodge.

Thank you for digging that out for me.
I like it!

Playgrounds not public access, but given the location that’s probably a good thing.

Apparently the recent funding for Baxter’s field playground was contingent on this development moving forward. Interesting !

I’m not sure that is correct. When I asked at the Friends of Baxter Field AGM, I was told that it was related to the Tyson Road development. Although I’m not sure that many people in Tyson Road will be regular users of Baxter Field.

I’m not sure I just read it on the baxters field facebook page.

“15 one bedroom 15 two bedroom and 3 three bedroom self-contained flats, together with the provision of 3 disabled parking, 52 cycle spaces,”
More pressure on parking in surrounding streets.
Same so called “car free” (that is, “car park provision free” as there is nothing to stop residents owning or having visitors who own a car) is happening at Regent House, where if memory serves we will have 72 bicycle spaces for the more able. Mais House will probably have a handful of off street residents’ car park spaces for the 4-500 ish new residents.
(Edit for link. Regent House applications here:
Part demolition and partial conversion of 291 -307 Kirkdale and 1 Spring Hill SE26, together with… Open for Comment
Ref. No: DC/19/114157 | Received: Thu 03 Oct 2019 | Validated: Thu 03 Oct 2019 | Status: Registered
Part demolition and partial conversion of 291-307 Kirkdale and 1 Spring Hill SE26, together with … Open for Comment
Ref. No: DC/19/113878 | Received: Fri 13 Sep 2019 | Validated: Fri 13 Sep 2019 | Status: Registered
MaisHouse application expected any day now.)

Not sure how it is around these parts, but when I lived in Tower Hamlets, I lived in a “car-free” property. This actually prevented me from applying for an on-street parking permit. My only option was to rent a space in estate carparks or garages. Obviously there are less of those than there are street parking places.
Best they could do for on-street parking was to issue me with a book of visitors scratchcards, which were valid for up to 5 hours a day (all day on Saturday). But I was only allowed two books of those per year, each containing 10 scratchcards.
Wasn’t much fun!

That’s a great way to ensure tenants/owners don’t flout no car developments. But I guess it would only work where developments are in CPZs

In the canteen with the rest of them. When I used to driving up to the city would see a minimum of half a dozen if not more police vehicles with a van full and some patrol cars/vans passing each other not on response, But it took three of them to visit me about an incident that happened last November and they say they are unstaffed if the borough commander managed them properly we would probably see officers on the street like we used too, have not seen a police officer around Forest Hill for years a very rare sight The 20,000 is for the whole of the country.

I heard Michael Heseltine explaining that one you take into account days off, holidays and a host of other factors, the “20,000” claim - if it ever happens - boils down to about 1.5 extra police officers on duty per day nationwide.