Anybody know any pick your own fruit/veg farms nearby SE23?
Pick Your Own Fruit/Veg Farms?

Stanhill farm off the a20 is nice.

Has anyone visited anything recently that’s good? My son is desperate to go this year and would love to find something local.

We used to go to Garsons but that’s on the other side of Chessington - about an hour and a half away.
It’s HUGE - they give you a map and you drive between the different crops - but it taught my townie kids that fruit and veg don’t all come from supermarkets in plastic bags!
We used to go for a whole day every summer - often they would sleep in the car on the way home.

Ah thanks. That sounds ideal if we’re out of London on the way back or something. Thanks. Hoping for something a little closer to home after lots of weekends away

Stanhill farm is off the a20 and open for strawberries Pick Your Own - Now Open! | Stanhill Farm there is also a lovely pub nearby

Ah fab. This actually might do the trick. Thank you!