I’m not keen on getting email notifications. How do I turn this off?
Stop email notifications

Tap your avatar (top right), and then the cog. This brings up your user preferences which are really fine-grained.
There are five options for various types of notification emails and additional options for the regular summary emails.
You can also mute any particular categories, topics or users that you don’t want to be notified about.

Okay. I just don’t get how to do this. At present I receive an email anytime someone comments on a topic I’ve participated in, or mentions my name, or likes something I’ve posted.
I can’t figure out how to easily adjust this using the preferences that you pointed me to. I did notice on an email notification that I could mute the specific topic… or unsubscribe from all emails from SE23.life. This seems to be my best option… right? Otherwise it is just to finicky going through every thread itself, right?

Yup, additionally to @anon64893700’s tip, untick the following preferences (I notice you still have these enabled)
- Send me an email when someone quotes me, replies to my post, mentions my @username, or invites me to a topic
- When I don’t visit here, send me an email summary of popular topics and replies
Then, on “Automatically track topics I enter,” select “Never”
Make sure you remember to hit the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page.
As for the topics already set up as “watched” I’ll have a look to see if there’s a way to unwatch all.

I have altered your watchlist to remove all watched topics (all except this topic, that is)

Mine was already disabled.
Found the others. Possibly a case of blindness due to starting at the preferences screen too long.
Thanks all.