Hi everyone,
I’ve noticed a real variety of mushrooms and funghi popping up all around the area and have started to document what I find. If you have spotted anything interesting looking it would be great if you could let me know where and when… and i’ll Try photograph it before it has gone.
I’ll attach a few pictures of what I saw yesterday… also would be amazing if anyone can help with identifying species etc.
Looking forward to seeing what you have found!
Thanks, Will
(These Are corner of Perry Vale / Woolaston, and Bell Green end of Perry Hill)
Archived on 6/5/2022
Mushrooms and funghi

18 Oct '19

18 Oct '19
Nice @Will! I have no idea on the names, but if someone does would be good to know if any appear to be edible!
My cousin who lives in France goes foraging and appear to have brought back a huge amount that they will eat!

19 Oct '19
Oh wow lucky them! Yes, doubt can eat many around here and have to be careful for sure. Seems like there are a lot around at the moment, maybe from the wet last few weeks. Am hoping to find enough variety of mushrooms and funghi to do a little photo project on (I’m a photographer). Thanks