Hi everyone, I have heard rumours that Pret A Manger are moving into FH at long last. Has anybody got any details about where and when they will be popping up? Looking forward to a can of Detox Yoga Bunny and some Cranberries In Coats on my morning FH commute!
Unsubstantiated Rumour: Pret A Manger coming to Forest Hill

yuck! no thanks. they’re ten a penny round the town. buy local

Er, pass!

I love Aga’s Deli as much as the next FH resident, but I’m sure you would enjoy the guilty pleasure of a piping hot Macaroni Cheese Kale & Cauli washed down with a Pumpkin Spice Latte if the opportunity arose. Plus giving local FH residents much needed job opportunities?

I’d be quite happy with it myself should it come to fruition. It would be hard to see it not taking some trade from existing businesses though.

That’s an awful lot of rumour going around. What’s your sources? Certainly there’s no change of use application for the WH Smith/Post Office site.

Hey… I’d love a weekend Christmas Pret sandwich as much as the rest… but the loss of our Post Office along with it’s various financial services would be a disaster for many in Forest Hill particularly many local businesses. It being the last place in the area to offer any type of banking service.
Pret Yes. Loss of Post Office. Disaster.

I love Pret but love our local independent cafes more.

Perhaps we could get Detox Yoga Bunny stocked at Aga’s Deli? Win win in my book

WHSmith too?

Pumpkin spice latte is a thing?

It’s a trend.

No thank you! I prefer to buy from local . It is even rare I go to Costa… i prefer to buy fresh made food instead than pre packet ones and pay more! Good only for job opportunity

Costa does serve miserable packet food. On the other hand, Pret tends to have on-site kitchens, so their food is fresher.

The loss of the post office and WH Smith would be terrible for Forest Hill.

Pret doesn’t need change of use

Locals cafes uses much fresh food and less plastic… Pret is too expensive for what they sell. No thank you. I support the local places and community. Not big name places…

While the Pret Twitter account is neither confirming or denying this rumour, I think it would be cool if they (or someone else) could do something like at Denmark Hill and have street access one side and access from Forest Hill Station platform on the other.

Doesn’t On the Hoof already effectively achieve that for coffees, teas, soft drinks and some food?

They do well out of their small huts, but I don’t think it is particularly effective and I’m sorry but I’m not a fan of their coffee.
That said I doubt anyone would be ambitious or inspired enough to actually try and make such dual-counter setup

I find them much more consistent in their barista-ing then any other fast coffee outlet. And a couple of them make really good lattes. And I very much appreciate their customer knowledge which remembers my “usual” most days, and can tell me if I’ll make the 0828. I also love that they are a Sydneham born business slowly growing in the area.
BTW… On the Hoof serves Monmouth Coffee… as does Aga’s Little Deli and Canvas and Cream. To do so, they have to pass certain quality standards and have access to free continual learning. You could always suggest they take advantage of that if you find them falling short of your expectations.
Anyways… back to Pret.

The Post Office Twitter account say they “can’t see any information relating to a closure”, though I asked them to double check.

And here’s the Post Office’s follow up: “If we don’t have a record of it within the system I can’t dig deeper I’m afraid. If there were any discussions regarding a potential closure between ourselves and WHSmith that aren’t published for us to see we wouldn’t be able to discuss this as it would remain confidential.”

I got pretty much the same from the Post Office. I reached out to WH Smith as well.

Is there really enough footfall anywhere in Forest Hill for Pret?
Surely the whole of the ground floor of the WH Smiths building would too big for it to be sustainable as a coffee/sandwich bar - and what would they do with the upper floor?
Or maybe the plan is to take a slither of the ground floor for stairs and lift access to the Post Office, which would make the ground floor area smaller and more viable.

Completely agree - nowhere near enough footfall in Forest Hill and sounds likely to be a baseless rumour.

Agreed… could be completely legit but it’s coincidental that the two profiles mentioning the rumour at the top both joined the forum at the same time?

I don’t think any of us believe a word of it but forums would be static if only dealt with the truth.
Like most people losing the post office would be a disaster, getting the ex McDonald’s sandwich bar would be negligible.
In terms of employment opportunities, there have been some questions which they probably have put right at this stage like their allergy notices.

It’s a personal taste and I assume they know their own market better than me. So I’m happy if you enjoy On The Hoof, but I prefer St. Davids and elsewhere.

I have to admit I do like a Pret. But not at the expense of a local Post Office.

I called into Aga’s this morning and spoke with the staff there about the possibility of extending their current range of coffees to include Pret favourites such as Pumpkin Spiced Latte and Turmeric Latte. Great response from them , they are considering a trial run to see what the popularity is like. Planning to have a chat with On The Hoof too, although I find their coffee not usually to my taste.
Any other coffee requests?

Re: Detox Yoga Bunny. Unfortunately as a Pret branded product they cannot stock outside of their own stores

Knowing Aga I doubt that very much. But for future reference the Lazy Chef serves tumeric lattes. And if you’re in for the exotic Costa Coffee offers a Spiced Cap (similar to pumpkin spice) and a Gingerbread Latte among other American themed hot sugar drinks.

I find On the hoof coffee borderline unpleasant, I’ve ordered everything from flat white to espresso to cappuccino and have never enjoyed it or finished it (I kept trying different things hoping I’d find one I like rather than hanging on til 3 wheels at London Bridge)
I also prefer StDavids and Three wheels at London Bridge
I’d hate Prêt to come to FH as Its everywhere in town and the food gets really boring and is overpriced.
I’d rather see a Masala Zone or Leons and therefore something open in the evening as well BUT not at the cost of WH Smith and the PO
I’d rather they used the old Barclays site.

Would hate to see a Pret in that space. How can anyone say they ‘love a Pret’ over supporting such lovely local spots like StDavids, Aga’s and No.41 that make FH much more unique than some souless commuter destination.

What if it was a “Veggie Pret”? I can’t help but feel that Forest Hill is lacking in plant based options atm. Veggie Pret’s “Veggie New Yorker on Rye” is in my top #3 vegetarian sandwiches of all time, #2 being M&S “No Turkey Feast” and current #1 top spot is Burger King “Veggie Bean Burger” with cheese
. Sadly none of these are currently available in FH. Glad not long until lunch, my tummy is rumbling!!

Wow - you really enjoy chain offerings… Personally, I cant stand factory produced sandwiches from M&S, Pret is slightly better with their on-site kitchen areas but for me its only when that is the only available option.
BK? Seriously? Maybe for when I am starving and on the M1, but thankfully that only happens once a year at most. Generally a pretty poor experience…

Isn’t the Guava Kitchen plant based?
I’d rather see independents do well (which is why I’m pro-On The Hoof at the station) than have the place fill up with identikit chains. Independents give the area a bit more personality!

I see your point @RJM but it is a stretch to suggest that On The Hoof lends FH any personality
I had a quick chat with the girl working in the kiosk outside the station this morning re: introducing more “Pret” style drinks such as the aforementioned Pumpkin Spiced Latte. She was very dismissive of the idea. I mentioned the poor feedback the coffee is currently getting on this forum and she was equally as uninterested.
At least I get a smile with my drink in Pret!

I don’t think that’s a good summary or entirely fair on the Barista that served you.
@maxrocks said it was “borderline unpleasant”, I said it wasn’t to my taste, and @starman was very supportive.
More generally there seems to be a a fair amount of enthusiasm for local businesses too, mixed with a range of opinions on Pret foods.

Given I think that spiced lattes are vile, I’m actually in agreement with her. I like On the Hoof’s coffee and I agree with @ForestHull that you’ve kind of misrepresented the forum to the poor barista!

In case anyone is under the illusion that Pret is a healthy option it is worth noting that a Macaroni cheese kale and cauli has more salt and more than twice the saturated fat as a Macdonalds Cheeseburger! In fact, the Veggie New yorker also has more salt and saturated fat than a Macdonalds Cheeseburger.

On a per unit basis yes… but if you calculate fat / 100 grams that’s not true. I would also suggest a 300g portion of porridge made of good carbohydrates, rich in fibre and protein rich milk might be a better for appetite curbing and nutrition then a Mcdonald’s hamburger. But if you’re so inclined Mcdonalds now delivers to Forest Hill courtesy of Uber Eats.

Who can blame her. Can you get these syrupy milk drinks at Costa?

it seems so yes. Though I have never tried one and until this thread started thought a pumpkin spice drink probably had pumpkin in it. Then again I last went into a Starbucks over 10 years ago.
However I do love coffee and a definite thumbs up for On The Hoof coffee which I always buy if there is over 3 min to my train.

Apologies if I have misrepresented the opinions of the forum. I will make sure to update the barista with the full range of opinions voiced.

there’s a new Veggie plant based independent recently opened next to Canvas and cream.
I’m sure they would welcome our custom.

Statement from On The Hoof:

Please note that at least some of the interactions with local businesses alleged by @Stefania4Eva are absolutely not recalled by the other parties and it is possible that many of the statements made by the account in question are entirely fabricated.
This episode has caused genuine pain and harm for local businesses and staff, and that is both intolerable and against the ethos of se23.life and the community it wishes to promote.
Together with other flagged topics, we the @moderators have concluded that @stefania4eva is best being permanently banned from the site.
If you wish to question this or any decision, please communicate this directly and in confidence to the the team by messaging @moderators or by emailing team@se23.life.

This escalated QUICKLY.

Pretty obvious it is made up. The business model of places like Pret rely on being in areas with high footfall and a high daytime worker or shopper population looking for a quick grab and go lunch. Forest Hill has neither of those things.

A new, provocatively named account that might be a sock puppet? Never seen any of those around here, guv

Oh no - are we losing the PO? That’s going to be a nuisance. And much as I have to say I love Pret and go a lot when I’m up in town, what about On The Hoof at the station? And do we really need Pret and costa? Kind of hoping this isn’t true.


Post Office is not closing, but I wish it would open up one or more of the front windows.
No daylight on the top floor as all windows are blocked off from the inside with book shelves: https://goo.gl/maps/ZeKgGCPFE4kbX4G79

Oh thanks, that’s good. I know it’s not the best PO but it is handy!

I would take everything in this thread with an unhealthy pinch of salt.
Well, not everything… just the stuff that sounds like rumour.

I got an update from WH Smith staff, good news, the store is due to have a full makeover shortly with new flooring, new shelving and a bit of redecorating. They are all apparently quite happy.

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