Archived on 6/5/2022

The Mighty Thor from Bovill Rd: please don’t feed him!

19 Nov '19

Hello! Our big ginger Thor has gone missing again. He went missing for 10 days recently. We managed to find him with the help of some lovely neighbours. We settled him back home but he’s gone again. When he returned last time he looked very healthy and lots of people kindly let us know they’d seen him in their house so we’re sure that he is sneaking other cats’ food whilst he’s out and about.
If you see him in your house please could you shoo him out and try to keep him away from any food?
We also now have our numbers on his collar so we’d appreciate you letting us know if he is in your house.

Many thanks!
Sonya and Andrew

20 Nov '19

He is lovely with such a fluffy tail :grin: