Is anyone interested in buying a Mini II Speaker? It’s a Bose product with Bluetooth connection, a 3.5-mm auxiliary and Micro-B USB portone. This has been well looked after and protected for nearly a year now but hasn’t been used much to be honest. From one good home to another!! Contact me for more info until then have a great week.
£50 Mini II Bose Speaker

Hi, is this still available?

Good Evening Nick,
Thank you for kindly responding. Yes, it sure is still available.
Not sure how to do private inbox message yet?? I am off to bed now but will be happy to chat with you tomorrow about it!!
Have a pleasant evening.

To send a PM, tap a username / avatar then tap Message
Note to other members: Private messaging is automatically enabled when you have participated in the forum for a while. Alternatively you can fast-track this by getting your profile verified.

Thanks! I will certainly take this off your hands., I haven’t worked out how you do the Private Messaging despite Chris’s instructions - I didn’t get the Message option after clicking your avatar, I will try and work this out tonight. Nick

Hi @NickM I think you at the ‘basic’ user permissions level, but @anon27836993 should be able to message you, and you will then be able to respond.
Good luck!

Super duper out and about at moment Nick but thank you!!

Great stuff

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