Acer adapter loan wanted

Hi, I have one that you could use. I will send you a private message later today to check if you still need one and, if so, will give you my address (not far from FH library) You can collect tonight or tomorrow night, after 6pm.

Hi It looks like the same type, just black instead of yellow.
Anyway, I am having a “duh” moment and cannot see how to send the OP a private message so will just write here.
Felicity_Bebron please feel free to respond here if you are going to accept the kind offer from An_ Iain or if you want to borrow mine

Hi, i would like to try out yours just to see if it works. I can come over this evening if that’s ok , in about an hour?

Thank you so much for the offer, i’m going to check out Sue’s to see if it works.

To send a PM, tap a username / avatar then tap the green Message button

Replied now, sorry for delay.
Have PM’d you. No problem with you collecting it, taking away and returning when done with. I still use it with an older lappie that comes in to service when one of the familys’ goes sick

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