Archived on 6/5/2022

Vintage 5 drawer dresser-Free [Taken]

7 Dec '19

Offered free for collection 5 drawer dresser measuring
118cm h x 100cm w x 45cm deep
In a used condition

, works very well but the right rear foot needs a bit of attention to be securely fixed.
Some bits of trim have been knocked off. they are included with the dresser so could be reattached.
Near Horniman Museum
First to express interest and arrange collection takes it away

7 Dec '19

Yes I would like these drawers please if still available? What are the messurements please so I can work out whether they’d fir in my car or if i will need to work something else out
Thank you

7 Dec '19

Yes the dresser is still available
the external dims of the dresser are 118cm h x 100cm w x 45cm deep
the feet can be unscrewed to take a bit off the height.

8 Dec '19

In light of the lack of interest and the need to get rid of this we’ve decided to donate it to the British Heart foundation.
Thank you.