Coming home from work this evening I was saddened to see our beautifully decorated tree is missing its hat already.
Hat stolen from Forest Hill Christmas tree [..twice]

I saw that too. So sad and infruiating.
I wonder if the station or town centre cctv covers the area at all?

No!!! I literally tried to fashion this so it was tricky to steal with it wired and strapped to the tree. I almost made a backup but thought, being Christmas, no one would be that mean. I was wrong. Boo

Could it have just been the wind that took it? It’s quite high up and such a public place for someone to set up a ladder or use a pole to steal it.
The Merry Christmas banner I stuck on the sarcophagus at Kirkdale yesterday has also gone. I’m hoping that just fell off in the wind too.

No, it can’t have been the wind as I stitched loops and straps inside and cable tied it many time’s to the tree. Also it was lined with a duvet to make heavy enough so it couldn’t blow away

What a shame. It looked so nice and different. How did they even reach it?

Then it wasn’t a quick job to remove it? In such a public space someone must have seen it happening. Someone with a ladder or a pole doing something out if the ordinary is a lot more remarkable than someone fiddling about under a car. If there’s no street CCTV there may be dash cam footage. Maybe contact the bus companies?

I almost decorated under the hat incase this happened but decided no as I thought , surely no one would nab it

Outrageous theft. It was still there looking great when I passed around 11 pm that night.
Now, was there someone with a huge head hanging around looking furtively at the hat?

That is genuinely disgraceful. People sinking to new lows.

The hat was gone by 2.30pm on Sunday. Drunken antics on Saturday night perhaps?

Seems a bit odd - if it was that you’d imagine the tree would be quite damaged as unlikely they had a ladder on hand.
My money would have been on the wind, as wind can be so powerful, though it is was cabletied as Lee says above this seems unlikely unless it broke the fabric.
If someone did take it, hopefully they know regret and will return it anonymously early one morning…

I thought it was odd as there seemed to be no sign of damage to the nearby branches…
however there were clearly plastic sheet like ties still wrapped round the top of the tree…
It saddens me because it was such a fun novel idea.
Honestly it would be so hard hard to get without causing damage its almost like they used a cherry picker to get it
Perhaps we should start a new thread… bring back the hat
or another 'who stole the hat and how?
Either way its blooming sad that it didn’t even last to christmas…perhaps boobytrap the next one

It’s back! Looking a bit grubby, but hurrah!

FHSoc report that it was very kindly replaced:
I’ve been wondering who is so kind and generous as to be behind the tree and decorations? Who can we thank?

Local man Lee Jackson @leejacksondesign

I was so pleased to see it this morning I stopped, stared,took a photo and would have missed my train but it was cancelled !
Is it the original hat? It looks very grubby like its had an adventure

I find this curious why a big fabric hat that’s just going to get sodden and filthy in the rain?

I am sure the Forest Hill Society would happily take on board your suggestions for next year. The hat was made and donated by a very nice local. I am sure there are other, just as good, options.

You know when something is so well-intended that you just keep any adverse opinion or criticism of it to yourself…

I don’t think it’s the original. I think the trim is grey instead of white? So pleased to see it there. Hope it’s alarmed this time.

To me it looks like a Santa Claus / Father Christmas hat. He is a traditional Christmas character with an iconic hat.
It will get wet in the rain, but so will the rest of the decorations. It may attract some dirt from air pollution. Whether it will continue to look nice we shall find out.

Our friendly neighbourhood elf had to make Santa Tree a brand new hat.

Maybe get Special Branch on the case
If they find the person stick them on top of the tree in public view to embarrass them.

I’d be alarmed if I had such an intimate relationship with a pointy tree to be fair…

I’ve found it!
At today’s State Opening of Parliament.
(Looked a lot bigger on the tree though)

I remade it with grey fur but it’s gone now

I scotchguarded it to make it waterproof but it’s been nicked now anyway

Oh for crying out loud. So sorry Lee. Thanks for trying.

Unbelievable. But thank you for your effort Lee.

Sorry all your efforts to brighten things up for Forest Hill have resulted in this moronic behaviour by someone not just once but twice. The hat was definately still on top of the tree yesterday afternoon about 4 o’clock. Thanks for trying anyway. Pity we can’t wire something up that gives the offenders an electric shock!

So gutting for you Lee!
I hope you can at least take some comfort from knowing that so many people in Forest Hill appreciated what you did for us.
Merry Christmas!

It was there just before 7pm last night. Such a shame it’s been taken again. Especially sad for Lee.

Ah, great idea - I was going to suggest trying Scotchgard, but thought it always looked awesome anyway, even in the rain
Thank you for your most kind and repeated efforts.

Oh for goodness sake! What is wrong with people? It was such a nice, cheerful thing to see when going to and from work.

Yup I saw this morning it had gone on my way to work.
so sorry that all your beautiful hard work to bring a smile to our faces and xmas cheer has just been wasted because of some stupid no doubt drunken people.
it actually really saddens me… a bit like p****ng on someones bonfire

It just makes you want to give up…dont people want to live in a nice place?
To misquote 'someone else’s line its the few ruining it for the many.
why can’t people just be nice?

Put a Tile tracker in it to see where it goes!

Thanks @lee for your efforts- there’s no helping some people unfortunately, but at the end of the day we are only responsible for our own actions, and you can be proud of yours knowing you’ve brought a smile to many a Forest Hill resident and visitor.

Agree with all the comments re the missing hat but let’s not forget that It’s still a beautiful tree, hat or no hat .

Original sin

Was so happy to see this back, only to be taken down again instantly. What is wrong with people. What a grinch!

I really appreciate the sentiment and efforts to brighten up the place, but a part of me finds it mildly amusing that a handmade oversized Santa hat on top of a ten foot tall Christmas tree is in such high demand in the Forest Hill area… Perhaps I have underestimated the resale value of these things…!
Forgive me.

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