Lost 4 month old kitten near Dalmain School [Found]

He’s soo cute, hope he is found soon or gets home again safely.

Do you know what day it was the cat went missing? The screen shot posted has Sunday on it. There was a similar looking cat being posted about a few days ago in similar area so could it be the one, if the days match up but I believe it’s no longer with the person that had posted about it on Next Door, as it was spooked & left their hallway it had taken shelter in, apparently there’s been a couple of sightings from others that commented but no updates on where this cat is now.

Thanks @Sazza - I believe it got out Wednesday so likely a different one but they do look very similar- I’ll ask the owner to look at it just in case. Thank you!
Edit - have checked, it definitely went missing Wednesday

Oh that’s such a shame, I was really hoping it was him. They do look very similar though, even have the same white socks. I really hope that both of these beautiful cats are located soon & can be reunited with their owners.

Saw this little one on the green by the Ewart estate today, I presume he is no longer missing?