Please sign this petition below which I set up .You just need to create a log in- it takes 1 minute it and it could save a life!!
CRANSTON ROAD is currently dangerous to cross without a lollypop person or a proper pedestrian crossing near the junction with Loxton road. Vehicles drive way above the 20mph speed limit and potentially endanger our children that have to cross that road on to the way to school.
John Paschoud- local councillor will be presenting the petition at the Council meeting on Wed 22nd Jan at 7.30pm (if anyone wants to come along with me to show there is strong public feeling, I’d be grateful ). In the meanwhile, please please sign and share please.
Cranston Road has high volumes of traffic, particularly at peak times and when children are travelling to and from several schools. Often vehicles are exceeding the 20mph limit on this long, straight residential road. A crossing patrol at school times is essential near the junction with Loxton Road, and further measures such as a proper controlled pedestrian crossing and enforcement of the 20mph speed limit would help to reduce the chance that a child will be killed or seriously injured on this road.