Wondering if there’s any interest in setting up a local car club. I used to be a member of Greenwich Mean Old Timers Club where they do a ‘Park it in the Market’ once a month, yes you guessed it in the Greenwich market. It was quite fun and low key, and they do the occasional drive out into Kent. I’m also a member of a UK club but the London meets are up in the East End and not that convenient.
So I was thinking of organising an SE23 club of sorts… wouldn’t have to be ‘classic cars’ necessarily, but maybe ones that are somewhat interesting, rare or eclectic.
I have this vision that if we managed to organise something then somehow we’d be able to talk to Horniman’s about a kind of ‘park it at the bandstand’ maybe one weekend a month. Get some food vendors in, whatever and turn it into a local social event.
I am somewhat aware that it might not be terribly ‘green’ and with climate change being top of many agendas this could be fairly un-PC in general.
I’m sure there are a few people around with interesting cars - I always see Richard from the David’s Rd garage out in his old yellow Triumph and I do see some cool stuff in people’s driveways.
What do you think?