Hi there. Just wondered if anyone had any recommendations for a probate lawyer. My father in law has just died and his estate is seeming to be too complicated to do it ourselves…
Probate lawyer recommendations

So sorry for your sad news.
It was quite some years ago, but I used David Arnot at Tinklin Springall for my Dad’s estate. They were really good and had to pick up the pieces from the mess left by another solicitor/legal firm, who had charged me but not done anything. (I shan’t post that bad solicitor’s details on here but his surname began with a Cr and ended with a k.)
Just to clarify: I’m just recommending TK for probate. Not litigation. Different horses for different courses.
Edit for link: https://tinklinspringall.co.uk/services-for-individuals/probate-and-administration/

Another recommendation for David Arnott at Tinklin Springall in Beckenham for probate. We have used him recently. Very efficient and always got back to us when we rang/emailed.

I used Armstrong & Co for probate and the subsequent house sale.

Thanks all of you for the recommendations