Did the council give permission for fireworks at 11pm?

Clearly “grace in victory” is not within some of our neighbours’ comprehension.

It’s noise pollution and that kind of noise needs to be signed off by the council. I wasnt aware that it was, I’m interested to know if anyone was aware it was.
Unfortunately no matter how salient a moment some people think it is, procedures need to be followed when children and pets are so upset by fireworks.

Clearly this thread touches on a very emotive topic for many people, but please note the forum guidelines and try to improve the discussion in a respectful manner, noting the topic is about fireworks late at night.

Exactly…So annoying whatever the reason be no excuses to set the fireworks off so late. Not only does it disturbs your sleep and peace it sure frightens the hell out of you without warning.
Especially when it becomes to close to windows/house you worry about the damage it could of caused or did?? …and the safety of outdoor animals. Such inconsiderate people!!
They should be banned in shops full stop to people who lack safety and respect on such dangerous products!! This should be saved for areas where it’s controlled and appreciated more by public in public areas of gathering for an event.

Our house has amazing views from our top floors and I looked out at about 11.10 to see if I could see any fireworks and couldn’t see any. Usually at any excuse the skies are thick with them. No noises either, which was a blessed relief.
I like seeing fireworks but hate the flash bang “look at me, I’m such fun” noises. The same mentality that has to toot car horns at New Year when they pass anyone on the street (and that’s already illegal) and the barmy army type who have to be LOUD in a rather sad search for validation that they are FUN.
So yes, I’d very much like to see loud noises banned from fireworks and also something done about Chinese fire lanterns. Someone was launching loads of them at New Year from Forest Hill direction blowing towards Sydenham Hill woods.

I was waiting at the bus stop in Catford at 11.00 p.m…
I thought the fireworks I saw were not very exciting.

Do you need permission from the council to set off fireworks? Surely people don’t do that on Bonfire Night or New Year’s Eve?!

New Year’s Eve and bonfire night are permitted. Perhaps Diwali too? Others need permission.

In private grounds? I understand permission is required for public spaces.

The ground where they have been set off are largely irrelevant, it’s the noise. After 11pm it’s statutory public nuisance unless.

Thanks, but it seems the law itself is irrelevant if you live in Lewisham. It’s also illegal to sound a car horn after 11.

Well now that’s just weird. (Edit to clarify: I mean the law is weird.) They’re just as noisy and disruptive whatever event is being celebrated. I wouldn’t mind if they didn’t have loud bangs. It’s just completely unnecessary to have a thunder clap whether you’re celebrating a birthday or halloween or bonfire night (which seems to be more like bonfire month nowadays).